主页 考古研究院 江汉考古 本期目次

曾侯與钟 “藉 华英”试说

发布时间:2017-03-27 11:28:59    浏览次数:584 次   




An Annotation on “Zuo Gu Hua Ying” in Chime‑bells’ Inscription of Marquis Yu of Zeng Sate

Ma Xiaowen

(Changchun, Jilin 130012)

Abstract: According to previous studies, this paper re-explains the first sentence recorded in the inscriptions on the fifth bell of the chime‑bells of Marquis Yu of Zeng State, and suggests that藉

华英 should be read as作鼓华英Zuo Gu Hua Ying, which means “the bells sound magnificently and melodiously”.

Keywords: Marquis Yu of Zeng State, chime‑bells, inscriptions, Zuo Gu Hua Ying