A Study on the Custom of Burying Stone Moulds in Tombs Appeared in Southwestern Area during the Bronze Age
Zhou Zhiqing
Abstract: The custom of burying stone moulds in tombs, frequently appeared in Southwestern Area during the Bronze Age implies the tomb owners were casting craftsmen. This custom appeared in early Bronze Age, while prevailed in the late time of it. The custom was most prominent in the Dian Culture, spreading from Western to Middle Yunnan. Besides of Yunnan, it also appeared in bronze cultures of Guangdong, Guangxi and Southeastern Asia. It may originate from the Eurasian Steppe where casting craftsmen’s tomb also existed, thus it provides significant material for studying the communication among the Eurasian Steppe, Southwestern (including Guangdong and Guangxi) China, and Southeastern Asia.
Keywords: Southwestern China, tombs of the Bronze Age, stone mould, casting craftsmen’s tomb, technique of bronze casting, communication